Title: | Simple Heatmap Function |
Description: | A color image of a numerical matrix. A dendrogram can be added to the left side and to the top. This package takes the original heatmap function and reduces the argument complexity. |
Authors: | Ritu Roy <[email protected]>, Adam Olshen <[email protected]>, Anishka Dhar <[email protected]> |
Maintainer: | Ritu Roy <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>=2) |
Version: | 0.1.8 |
Built: | 2025-02-12 01:27:00 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/rituroy/heatmap4 |
A numeric matrix of 0s and 1s of the same dimension as genomDat. ...
A matrix with 3469 rows and 39 columns.
A data.frame containing gene information. ...
A data.frame with 3469 rows and 2 columns.
A data.frame containing information for each chromosome. ...
A data.frame with 24 rows and 3 columns.
Produces a color image (color bar)
colorBar( x, horizontal = TRUE, col = grDevices::heat.colors(50), scale = 1:length(x), k = 10, cexAxis = 1, ... )
colorBar( x, horizontal = TRUE, col = grDevices::heat.colors(50), scale = 1:length(x), k = 10, cexAxis = 1, ... )
x |
. |
horizontal |
. |
col |
. |
scale |
. |
k |
. |
cexAxis |
. |
... |
additional arguments. |
A color vector.
Cuts the tree into desired number of groups.
cutCluster(clustObj, ann, nClust = 2, rev = F)
cutCluster(clustObj, ann, nClust = 2, rev = F)
clustObj |
a hclust object. |
ann |
a data.frame containing annotation for each observation. |
nClust |
number of groups desired. |
rev |
reverse the order of observations. |
a data.frame.
A heat map is a false color image (basically image(t(x))) with a dendrogram added to the left side and to the top. Typically, reordering of the rows and columns according to some set of values (row or column means) within the restrictions imposed by the dendrogram is carried out. This package takes the original heatmap function and reduces the argument complexity.
generate_heatmap( x, col_lab = c(FALSE, TRUE), row_lab = c(FALSE, TRUE), col_lab_vtr = NULL, row_lab_vtr = NULL, col_anno = c(FALSE, TRUE), row_anno = c(FALSE, TRUE), col_info = NULL, row_info = NULL, col_anno_var = NULL, row_anno_var = NULL, col_var_info = NULL, row_var_info = NULL, col_dend = c(FALSE, TRUE), row_dend = c(FALSE, TRUE), col_anno_name = NULL, row_anno_name = NULL, col_clust = NULL, row_clust = NULL, plot_info = list(margins = c(0.5, 0.5), cexCol = NULL, cexRow = NULL, cexColSide = NULL, cexRowSide = NULL, colorCatCol = NULL, colorCatRow = NULL, colorContCol = NULL, colorContRow = NULL), file_name = NULL, h_title = NULL, input_legend = c(FALSE, TRUE), legend_title = NULL, plotHeatmap = TRUE, heatmap_color = c("red", "blue", "grey"), zlm = c(-0.5, 0.5), ... )
generate_heatmap( x, col_lab = c(FALSE, TRUE), row_lab = c(FALSE, TRUE), col_lab_vtr = NULL, row_lab_vtr = NULL, col_anno = c(FALSE, TRUE), row_anno = c(FALSE, TRUE), col_info = NULL, row_info = NULL, col_anno_var = NULL, row_anno_var = NULL, col_var_info = NULL, row_var_info = NULL, col_dend = c(FALSE, TRUE), row_dend = c(FALSE, TRUE), col_anno_name = NULL, row_anno_name = NULL, col_clust = NULL, row_clust = NULL, plot_info = list(margins = c(0.5, 0.5), cexCol = NULL, cexRow = NULL, cexColSide = NULL, cexRowSide = NULL, colorCatCol = NULL, colorCatRow = NULL, colorContCol = NULL, colorContRow = NULL), file_name = NULL, h_title = NULL, input_legend = c(FALSE, TRUE), legend_title = NULL, plotHeatmap = TRUE, heatmap_color = c("red", "blue", "grey"), zlm = c(-0.5, 0.5), ... )
x |
numeric matrix; values to be plotted in the heatmap. |
col_lab |
boolean (T, F); to display column labels; default is FALSE. |
row_lab |
boolean (T, F); to display row labels; default is FALSE. |
col_lab_vtr |
character vector; with column labels to use; defaults to colnames(x). |
row_lab_vtr |
character vector; with row labels to use; defaults to rownames(x). |
col_anno |
boolean (T, F); to display column annotations; defaults to FALSE. |
row_anno |
boolean (T, F); to display row annotations; defaults to FALSE. |
col_info |
data frame; data to be used in column annotations; default is NULL. |
row_info |
data frame; data to be used in row annotations; default is NULL. |
col_anno_var |
character vector; with specific column annotation variables to see in column annotations; defaults to colnames(col_info). |
row_anno_var |
character vector; with specific row annotation variables to see in row annotations; defaults to colnames(row_info). |
col_var_info |
nested list; of column annotation variables that need specific colors and placement; options are "color", "level" for characters, "limit" for numerics and "mode"=c("character","numeric"); default is NULL. |
row_var_info |
nested list; of row annotation variables that need specific colors and placement; options are "color", "level" for characters, "limit" for numerics and "mode"=c("character","numeric"); default is NULL. |
col_dend |
boolean (T, F); to display column dendrogram; default is FALSE. |
row_dend |
boolean (T, F); to display row dendrogram; default is FALSE. |
col_anno_name |
character vector; to name column color bars; default is NULL. |
row_anno_name |
character vector; to name row color bars; default is NULL. |
col_clust |
variable of hclust or dendrogram class; to cluster by the column; default NULL when col_dend is FALSE. |
row_clust |
variable of hclust or dendrogram class; to cluster by the row; default NULL when row_dend is FALSE. |
plot_info |
list; of 8 variables to control heatmap and annotation column/row label size (in that order); default is list( margins=c(0.5,0.5), "cexCol" = NULL, "cexRow" = NULL, "cexColSide" = NULL, "cexRowSide" = NULL, colorCatCol=NULL, colorCatRow=NULL, colorContCol=NULL, colorContRow=NULL); 'cex': heatmap labels and 'cexSide': annotation labels. |
file_name |
string; denotes the name of the file, must contain one of the following file types: .pdf, .jpeg, .png, .tiff; default is NULL. |
h_title |
string; gives the heatmap output a title; default is NULL. |
input_legend |
boolean (T, F); to display annotations legend; row, column or both will be added if selected; default is FALSE. |
legend_title |
string; denotes the title of the legend; default is NULL. |
plotHeatmap |
logical indicating if heatmap will be plotted; defaults to TRUE. |
heatmap_color |
character vector of length 3; colors for high, low and middle values respectively; default is c("red","blue","grey"). |
zlm |
numeric vector of length 2; the minimum and maximum x values for which colors should be plotted; default is c(-0.5, 0.5). |
... |
additional arguments. |
A list.
A numeric matrix with gene expression data with rows representing genes and columns representing subjects. ...
A matrix with 3469 rows and 39 columns.
Computes distance matrix and then performs hierarchical clustering.
getCluster(dat, distMethod, linkMethod, absolute = F)
getCluster(dat, distMethod, linkMethod, absolute = F)
dat |
a numeric matrix. |
distMethod |
distance function. |
linkMethod |
agglomeration method. |
absolute |
a logical value. TRUE means absolute value of correlation is to be returned. |
an object of class "hclust".
Computes cosine distances and returns them as a distance matrix.
x |
a numeric matrix. |
an object of class "dist".
Computes correlation coefficients and returns them as a distance matrix.
getDist(dat, method = "pearson", absolute = FALSE)
getDist(dat, method = "pearson", absolute = FALSE)
dat |
a numeric matrix passed to function cor. |
method |
a character string indicating which correlation coefficient is to be computed. One of "pearson" (default), "kendall", or "spearman": can be abbreviated. |
absolute |
a logical value. TRUE means absolute value of correlation is to be returned. |
an object of class "dist".
Computes Cohen's kappa coefficients and returns them as a distance matrix.
getKappaDist(x, type = "Cohen", absolute = FALSE)
getKappaDist(x, type = "Cohen", absolute = FALSE)
x |
a numeric matrix passed to function cor. |
type |
a character string indicating which correlation coefficient (or covariance) is to be computed. One of "pearson" (default), "kendall", or "spearman": can be abbreviated. |
absolute |
a logical value. TRUE means absolute value of correlation is to be returned. |
an object of class "dist".
Called by generate_heatmap to create heatmap.
heatmap4( x, imp = TRUE, Rowv = NA, Colv = NULL, distfun = stats::dist, hclustfun = stats::hclust, add.expr, symm = FALSE, revC = identical(Colv, "Rowv"), scale = "none", na.rm = TRUE, margins = c(5, 5), ColSideColors, RowSideColors, cexRow = 0.2 + 1/log10(nr), cexCol = 0.2 + 1/log10(nc), fontRow = 1, fontCol = 1, labRow = NULL, labCol = NULL, lineRow = NULL, lineCol = NULL, lineColor = "black", totalR = nr, totalC = nc, ncr = NA, ncc = NA, main = NULL, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, verbose = getOption("verbose"), methodR = "ward.D", methodC = "ward.D", zlm = c(-0.5, 0.5), high = "green", low = "red", mid = "black", addAmp = NULL, colAmp = NULL, cexAmp = 0.25, addText = NULL, cexText = 1, lwdRect = graphics::par("lwd"), lwidHeatmap = 4, lheiHeatmap = 4, lwidRowSide = 0.2, lheiColSide = 0.2, cexRowSide = 1, cexColSide = 1, densColor = NULL, sideLabRow = 4, sideLabCol = 1, layoutRespect = T, sideColSide = c("left", "right"), sideRowSide = c("bottom", "top"), plotHeatmap = TRUE, ... )
heatmap4( x, imp = TRUE, Rowv = NA, Colv = NULL, distfun = stats::dist, hclustfun = stats::hclust, add.expr, symm = FALSE, revC = identical(Colv, "Rowv"), scale = "none", na.rm = TRUE, margins = c(5, 5), ColSideColors, RowSideColors, cexRow = 0.2 + 1/log10(nr), cexCol = 0.2 + 1/log10(nc), fontRow = 1, fontCol = 1, labRow = NULL, labCol = NULL, lineRow = NULL, lineCol = NULL, lineColor = "black", totalR = nr, totalC = nc, ncr = NA, ncc = NA, main = NULL, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, verbose = getOption("verbose"), methodR = "ward.D", methodC = "ward.D", zlm = c(-0.5, 0.5), high = "green", low = "red", mid = "black", addAmp = NULL, colAmp = NULL, cexAmp = 0.25, addText = NULL, cexText = 1, lwdRect = graphics::par("lwd"), lwidHeatmap = 4, lheiHeatmap = 4, lwidRowSide = 0.2, lheiColSide = 0.2, cexRowSide = 1, cexColSide = 1, densColor = NULL, sideLabRow = 4, sideLabCol = 1, layoutRespect = T, sideColSide = c("left", "right"), sideRowSide = c("bottom", "top"), plotHeatmap = TRUE, ... )
x |
numeric matrix of the values to be plotted. |
imp |
logical impute missing values if TRUE. |
Rowv |
determines if and how the row dendrogram should be computed and reordered. Either a dendrogram or a vector of values used to reorder the row dendrogram or NA to suppress any row dendrogram (and reordering) or by default, NULL, see ‘Details’ below. |
Colv |
determines if and how the column dendrogram should be reordered. Has the same options as the Rowv argument above and additionally when x is a square matrix, Colv = "Rowv" means that columns should be treated identically to the rows (and so if there is to be no row dendrogram there will not be a column one either). |
distfun |
function used to compute the distance (dissimilarity) between both rows and columns. Defaults to dist. |
hclustfun |
function used to compute the hierarchical clustering when Rowv or Colv are not dendrograms. Defaults to hclust. Should take as argument a result of distfun and return an object to which as.dendrogram can be applied. |
add.expr |
expression that will be evaluated after the call to image. Can be used to add components to the plot. |
symm |
logical indicating if x should be treated symmetrically; can only be true when x is a square matrix. |
revC |
logical indicating if the column order should be reversed for plotting, such that e.g., for the symmetric case, the symmetry axis is as usual. |
scale |
character indicating if the values should be centered and scaled in either the row direction or the column direction, or none. The default is "row" if symm false, and "none" otherwise. |
na.rm |
logical indicating whether NA's should be removed. |
margins |
numeric vector of length 2 containing the margins (see graphics::par(mar = *)) for column and row names, respectively. |
ColSideColors |
(optional) character vector of length ncol(x) containing the color names for a horizontal side bar that may be used to annotate the columns of x. |
RowSideColors |
(optional) character vector of length nrow(x) containing the color names for a vertical side bar that may be used to annotate the rows of x. |
cexRow |
positive number, used as cex.axis in for the row axis labeling. The default currently only uses number of rows. |
cexCol |
positive number, used as cex.axis in for the column axis labeling. The default currently only uses number of columns. |
fontRow |
positive number, used as font.axis in for the row axis labeling. The default is 1. |
fontCol |
positive number, used as font.axis in for the column axis labeling. The default is 1. |
labRow |
character vector with row labels to use; defaults to rownames(x). |
labCol |
character vector with column labels to use; these defaults to colnames(x). |
lineRow |
(optional) positive number vector, used to draw horiontal lines. The default is NULL. |
lineCol |
(optional) positive number vector, used to draw vertical lines. The default is NULL. |
lineColor |
(optional) Color of lines drawn with lineRow and lineCol. |
totalR |
. |
totalC |
. |
ncr |
. |
ncc |
. |
main |
main title; defaults to none. |
xlab |
x-axis title; defaults to none. |
ylab |
y-axis title; defaults to none. |
verbose |
logical indicating if information should be printed. |
methodR |
Agglomeration method for clustering rows. |
methodC |
Agglomeration method for clustering columns. |
zlm |
the minimum and maximum x values for which colors should be plotted. |
high |
color for high values. |
low |
color for low values. |
mid |
color for middle values. |
addAmp |
(optional) matrix 0s and 1s of the same size as x to be added to the heatmap. |
colAmp |
(optional) color of addAmp. |
cexAmp |
(optional) size of addAmp. |
addText |
(optional) character matrix of the same size as x to be added to the heatmap. |
cexText |
(optional) color of addText. |
lwdRect |
. |
lwidHeatmap |
. |
lheiHeatmap |
. |
lwidRowSide |
. |
lheiColSide |
. |
cexRowSide |
. |
cexColSide |
. |
densColor |
. |
sideLabRow |
. |
sideLabCol |
. |
layoutRespect |
. |
sideColSide |
. |
sideRowSide |
. |
plotHeatmap |
logical indicating if heatmap will be plotted; defaults to TRUE. |
... |
additional arguments passed on to image, e.g., col specifying the colors. |
A List.
Produces a color image (color bar) which can be used for the legend to another color image obtained from heatmap4.
heatmapColorBar( limit, cols = c("green", "red", "black"), main = NULL, marginHMCBar = NULL, cexAxisHMCBar = 1, ... )
heatmapColorBar( limit, cols = c("green", "red", "black"), main = NULL, marginHMCBar = NULL, cexAxisHMCBar = 1, ... )
limit |
. |
cols |
. |
main |
. |
marginHMCBar |
. |
cexAxisHMCBar |
. |
... |
additional arguments. |
A color vector.
A data.frame containing subject information. ...
A data.frame with 39 rows and 7 columns.
Draws rectangles around the branches of a dendrogram highlighting the corresponding clusters. First the dendrogram is cut at a certain level, then a rectangle is drawn around selected branches.
rect.hclust.my( tree, k = NULL, which = NULL, x = NULL, h = NULL, border = 2, cluster = NULL, horiz = FALSE, lwd = graphics::par("lwd") )
rect.hclust.my( tree, k = NULL, which = NULL, x = NULL, h = NULL, border = 2, cluster = NULL, horiz = FALSE, lwd = graphics::par("lwd") )
tree |
an object of the type produced by hclust. |
k |
Scalar. Cut the dendrogram such that exactly k clusters are produced. |
which |
A vector selecting the clusters around which a rectangle should be drawn. which selects clusters by number (from left to right in the tree). Default is which = 1:k. |
x |
A vector selecting the clusters around which a rectangle should be drawn. x selects clusters containing the respective horizontal coordinates. |
h |
Scalar. Cut the dendrogram by cutting at height h. |
border |
Vector with border colors for the rectangles. |
cluster |
Optional vector with cluster memberships as returned by stats::cutree(hclust.obj, k = k), can be specified for efficiency if already computed. |
horiz |
Horizontal or vertical. |
lwd |
Line width of the rectangles. |
(Invisibly) returns a list where each element contains a vector of data points contained in the respective cluster.
Adds legends to row and column color bars.
sampleColorLegend( tls, col = NULL, lty = NULL, border = NULL, pch = NULL, lwd = NULL, legendTitle = NULL, cex = NULL, density = NULL, ... )
sampleColorLegend( tls, col = NULL, lty = NULL, border = NULL, pch = NULL, lwd = NULL, legendTitle = NULL, cex = NULL, density = NULL, ... )
tls |
. |
col |
. |
lty |
. |
border |
. |
pch |
. |
lwd |
. |
legendTitle |
. |
cex |
. |
density |
. |
... |
additional arguments. |